无论您需要什么测量,HBM都能在整个测量链中成为您的合作伙伴。 传感器,测量电子设备,软件和服务:在许多行业和应用领域中,HBM测试和测量产品以其精度和可靠性而闻名。
Our business portals:
Aerospace Industry
Aerospace Industry
HBM的高质量放大器系统为航空航天业的测试设定了标准。 的制造商几十年来一直信任我们的产品。
HBM's high-quality amplifier systems have set standards for testing in the aerospace industry. Leading manufacturers have placed their trust in our products for decades. Go to the portal
当今的农业需要高质量的测量技术,才能进行可靠且节省资源的生产计划。 HBM测试和测量技术产品已用于许多农业领域。
Today's agriculture requires high-quality measurement technology for reliable and resource-saving production planning. HBM test and measurement technology products are used in many agricultural sectors. Go to the portal
汽车行业Automotive Industry
汽车行业的测试和测量取决于可靠的测量结果。 探索我们用于开发,生产,测试和校准的测试和测量解决方案。
Tests and measurements in the automotive industry depend on reliable measurement results. Discover our test and measurement solutions for development, production, test and calibration. Go to the portal
HBM为化学应用提供,坚固且防爆的测试和测量设备。 配料,计量,称重,填充... HBM确保化学反应正确!
HBM offers precise, rugged and explosion proof test and measurement equipment for chemical applications. Batching, dosing, weighing, filling ... HBM ensures that the chemistry is right! Go to the portal
土木工程Civil Engineering
疲劳测试,变形测量或长期监控-可靠的测试结果对土木工程真正至关重要。 HBM从单一来源(从传感器到软件)为您提供测试和测量技术。
Fatigue tests, deformation measurement or long-term monitoring - reliable test results are what really matters in civil engineering. HBM provides you with test and measurement technology from a single source - from sensor to software. Go to the portal
能源产业Energy Industry
Be it oil, gas or wind power, onshore or offshore - HBM's wide range or products provides test and measurement solutions for all areas of the energy sector. Go to the portal
Be it dosing, filling or mixing - efficient food production is accompanied by reliable test and measurement technology and user-friendly design. Go to the portal
机械制造Machine Manufacturers
在工业过程控制工业过程控制中,测试和测量技术用于监视生产过程。 我们的机器制造商门户网站为您提供有关我们产品范围的重要信息,特别是用于生产和过程控制的产品。
In Industrial Process Control, test and measurement technology is used for monitoring production processes. Our Machine Manufacturers portal provides you with essential information about our range of products especially for production and process control. Go to the portal
医疗行业Medical Industry
高质量的医疗技术需要可靠的测试和测量设备。 无论是根据患者体重的剂量还是在心肺复苏过程中控制压力,准确的测试结果都是必须的。
High-quality medical technology requires reliable test and measurement equipment. Be it dosage of medication according to patient weight or pressure control during cardiopulmonary resuscitation - accurate test results are a must. Go to the portal
铁路交通Rail Transport
我们的铁路运输门户网站提供了有关HBM为铁路技术应用开发,测试,验证和监视提供的解决方案的信息。Our Rail Transport portal provides information about the solutions HBM offers for development, testing, verification and monitoring in railroad technology applications. Go to the portal
测试和测量技术产品用于不同大学部门的研究或教育目的。 访问我们的大学门户网站,以了解更多有关HBM作为大学合作伙伴的信息。
Test and measurement technology products are used for research or educational purposes at different university departments. Visit our Universities portal to learn more about HBM as a partner of universities. Go to the portal
秤制造商Scale Manufacturers
Be it load cells, weighing electronics or software - HBM offers scale manufacturers a wide range of high-quality weighing technology products with certified reliability. Go to the portal
Customer-defined solutions
- Innovative customized solutions
- Rapid realization using fast prototyping