RTN 扭环式称重传感器: 高精度称重,到 470 吨
RTN 扭环式称重传感器量程可达 470吨,并且具有极低的高度。非常适合各种大型料罐称重及汽车衡等。与其他称重传感器不同,由于使用了稳定的环形应变计,RTN 称重传感器可显着地减小横向和侧向载荷的影响。
高输入电阻和低功耗使其非常适合采用电池供电的测量单元。高温型号(高达110°C)非常适用于铸造应用。保护等级高达 IP68 / IP69K,因此其可以在极度潮湿的环境和室外使用。 IECEx-ATEX 型号可用于可能爆炸性的环境中使用。
- 额定量程: 1 t 到 470 t
- 精度等级: 高达 C3
- 保护等级: IP68/IP69K
- 高精度高信噪比,由于采用了 2.85 mV / V 输出信号
- 由于采用环形应变片特殊设计,可对横向载荷进行优异补偿
- 高输入电阻 (> 4,350 ohms) 确保更小的电流损耗
- 贸易秤称重系统,HBM 3,000 d (OIML R60)
高精度 – 杰出的技术性能
- 更宽的温度范围 -30 °C 到 +80 °C (可选HBM达 +110 °C)
- 测量体采用不锈钢材料
- 抗化学品
- 大横截面电缆,可耐低温
- 防爆版本(例如 IECEx-AI 1/21)
- 可选:用于关键区域的无卤电缆
- 可选:IP69K防护等级,用于潮湿环境
可用于恶劣环境 – 不锈钢测量体, IP68保护等级 (可选: IP69K) , 可用于可能爆炸环境
- 高度低
- 并联优化技术,包括偏心负载补偿
- 可连接 14 个传感器
- 不同电缆类型和电缆型号可选
- 采用 RTN/M 称重模块,可快速集成到系统中
应用广泛灵活 – 多种附件和型号可选
Stainless steel, hermetic encapsulation according to the highest protection class, as well as different versions of explosion hazard areas pursuant to the latest ATEX Directive are used as a matter of course.
- Large output from 2,85mV/V
- Small minimum application range Y = 20,000
- Low power consumption
- Input resistance 4,400 ohms
- Lowest possible measured value influence by transverse forces
- A complete range of fitted components for even the most demanding requirements
- Legal for trade versions are available in classes C3, C4, C5, C3MI, and C4MI in accordance with PTB test certificate D09-00.24 according to OIML R60.
- The output resistance is, with 4k Ohm, very high-impedance, therefore uses very little current. The RTN is thereby perfect for battery-operated mobile applications.
- The annular strain gages react to loads from all directions. The RTN also records loads that would be missed by a rod-shaped load cell.
- With 2.85mV/V, the RTN has a very high output signal, and therefore a greater signal to noise ratio and very high accuracy.
高载荷称重技术RTN 扭环式称重传感器,很高的额定量程,结实且具有很高的精度