White Papers on Technology
HBM has many years of experience in . Benefit from our experts' torque know-how—and read the up-to-date Technical Articles on technology and correct use of torque transducers in test benches that are published here at regular intervals:
White Papers and Technical Articles on
Centrifugal acceleration in - often underestimated, however, very effective
Centrifugal accelerations in are very high. The caused forces require correspondingly safe structures.
Which fit is the right one?
An explanation of the significance of ISO fits to standard shafts and holes
Checking HBM torque flanges using the shunt signal and the zero point
Users often ask whether they may continue using a torque flange that has not been in use for an extended period of time.
The use of torque flanges in power generation plants
Power generation plants need to be economical and eco-friendly. To determine the efficiency of such plants, drive power needs to be measured. However, which method is most suitable? Read this technical article to learn how to use...
Couplings and mounting parts for torque applications — a selection guide
Which coupling is the right one?
A torque flange is a precision transducer that enables very small uncertainties of measurement to be attained. However, to achieve this special requirements need to be met. It is most important...
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