PACEline CFW 是一种高可靠的传感器,可以在恶劣的工业环境中获得可靠的测量结果. CFW 尽管尺寸小,但可以提供有效的插拔保护- 这是传感器长期使用的必要条件.
PACEline CFW 压电力垫圈不仅提供更高的安全性和可靠性,其创新性的设计使测试结果的可靠性提高三倍.
- 更好的线性 于传统的力垫圈相比 - 由于采用了特殊的带拼合隔板的测量体
- 的测试结果 即使力没有完全对中
- 自动对中 通过其外径和内径来完成,并且没有任何迟滞误差.
PACEline CFW 现在提供额定量程为 20 kN, 50 kN, 100 kN, 140 kN 和 190 kN. 其输出信号不依赖测量范围,而是依赖应用力, CFW 力传感器有非常高的过载能力。因此, CFW 在多量程范围内都有很高的精度和测量分度.
: CFW/100 kN 和 CFW/190 kN 力垫圈
CFW 额定量程 100 kN 和 190 kN 力垫圈具有 CFW 的所有优点, 例如:
- 对称结构,极好的线性
- 高质量
- 工作温度范围高达 -40 到 +120 °C.
CFW 压电力垫圈 - HBM PACEline 家族成员 - 保证测试和装配测量的高可靠性. 由于结构紧凑, CFW 力垫圈可以应用于多种应用场合.
PACEline CFW is a very reliable sensor ensuring reliable test results even in adverse industrial environments. CFW is the first piezoelectric force washer that, irrespective of its small size, provides an efficient plug protection* - an important prerequisite for smooth long-term use.
PACEline CFW piezoelectric force washers not only provide safety and reliability. Theirinnovative design makes sure that you can trust in your production monitoring data with three time higher reliability.
- Enhanced linearity compared to conventional force washers - thanks to the special measuring body design with split diaphragm
- Perfect test results even if forces are not applied centrically
- Automatic centering of the sensor through its external and internal diameter without producing any hysteresis errors.
PACEline CFW is presently available with nominal (rated) forces of 20 kN, 50 kN, 100 kN, 140 kN, 190 kN, 330 kN and 700 kN. Since the output signal is not dependent on the measuring range but on the force applied, CFW force sensors withstand very high overloads. Hence, CFW allows for over-dimensioning without loss of accuracy and resolution.
Cross section through the CFW force washer: The symmetrical design ensures excellent linearity.
Additional to CFW sensors HBM offers the charge amplifiers CMA and CMD:
Learn more about the PACEline CMA analog amplifier
CMD600 - a robust, digital charge amplifier for piezo sensors with an integrated Ethernet interface
CFT - Compact piezoelectric force transducers for highly dynamic measurement
* not available for the 20kN version
A new addition to our range, the CPS sets of pre-stressing elements are available for all series CFW force washers.
A set of pre-stressing elements includes a bolt, a washer and a nut. The figure below gives a schematic representation of the setup.
Piezoelectric force washers require pre-stressing. The new CPS sets of pre-stressing elements facilitate easy and permanent pre-stressing. They are made from stainless steeland offer the required hardness as well as the bolt pitches selected to match the typical pre-stressing force.
- Symmetrical design for higher stability
- Nominal (rated) forces: 20 kN, 50 kN, 100 kN, 140 kN, 190 kN, 330 kN and 700 kN
- High cut-off frequency
- Robust charge cable connector