U15 高精度力传感器: 力校准 从2.5 kN 到 2.5 MN
U15 参考力传感器可以测量高达 2.5 MN 的拉压向力。高精度且高可靠,非常适合用作校准机主传感器,高精度测试台以及力传感器标准 (例如,在校准材料试验机或进行转移测量时,确保校准机的可追溯性符合标准).
因为传感器具有极低的,因此可确保测试台在负载下具有极高的稳定性。由于更高的输出信号 (>4 mV/V 从 25 kN 开始),因此 U15 高精度力传感器具有极高的分辨率和优异的信噪比。
按照 ISO 376 标准,U15 等级为 0.5。径向对称的设计使传感器对温度梯度不敏感。U15 高精度力传感器采用不锈钢材料制成,非常结实,防护等级高达 IP67。
- 精度等级 (per ISO 376:2011): 0.5 等级(10% 到 额定量程)
- HBM 精度等级: 0.02 到 0.05
- 额定量程: 2.5 kN 盗 2.5 MN
U15 技术参数表
- 带有更多关键值技术参数表 (蠕变, TK0, 滞后)
- 扩展量程: 按照 ISO376 标准,从 10% 量程起达到 0.5 级10%
- 可以用作 拉/压 向参考力传感器,额定量程HBM达 2.5 MN
- 按照 ISO 376 标准,精度等级 0.5(10% 到 额定量程)
- 高输出信号, > 多数量程维 4 mV/V
- 可选择调整到 3 mV/V
- 优异的信噪比
- 通过电子弯矩补偿,保证在不同安装位置优异的重复性
- 拉压向力传递标准高达 1 MN
精度满足标准要求, 即使在工业环境下。极为可靠。
- 可提供双桥版本: 一个输出用作参考信号, 一个信号用作机器控制输入 (也适用于大力值和负载的机器).
- 面向应用的附件,例如 TEDS, 符合 ISO 376 标准的压头和膝眼
- 连同 U15 和放大器的校准测量链 (HBM 校准实验室校准)
- 可选: 经过校准的产品 (获得 ISO 17025 认证的 HBM 校准实验室校准 )
- 极小位移
- 高刚度,优异的动态性能
- 用于动态校准的高频响特性
- 结实可靠:IP67 保护等级,紧致密封,优异的长期稳定性
- 极小的 TKZero 对温度梯度不敏感
高精度, 即使在恶劣和动态环境下。极小位移。
The U15 precision force transducer allows measurements with class 0.5 accuracy (per ISO 376, the international standard for force transducer calibration). This class is required for many traceable standard force calibrations. The U15 precision force transducer complies with class 0.5 because of its good reproducibility and very small interpolation error. The U15’s tension and foot adapter are permanently mounted to ensure excellent measurement properties of force applied. U15 is available to measure both tensile and compressive forces with nominal (rated) measurement ranges from 2.5 kN to 1 MN. Because of its robust design the force transducer ideally fits mobile measurement tasks.
…many optional add-onsFurthermore, U15 provides many optional add-ons which enable you to expand its range of applications:
- Mechanical plug protection – for particularly demanding environments, for example, mobile measurement tasks
- TEDS, the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet – for fast and particularly comfortable connection of the force transducer to the amplifier
- Double bridge version – the ideal version for use in calibration systems: one signal is a reference while the second controls the calibration system
Transducer force calibration directly in HBM’s DKD calibration laboratory (certified per ISO 17025).
Max. operating force [%] |
115 % |
Nominal temp. range [°C] |
+10°C... +40°C |
Protection system |
IP67 |
Material |
Aluminum |
Direction of force |
Tensile/compressive |
Nominal sensitivity [mV/V] |
> 2 mV/V / > 4 mV/V * |
* Adjusted output signal available as an option
- Precise measurement of tensile and compressive forces
- Nominal (rated) forces 2.5 kN to 1 MN
- Class 0.5 per to ISO 376 (in conjunction with DKD calibration certificate)
- Excellent price/performance ratio
- Optional: TEDS
- Optional: Double bridge version