T22 扭矩传感器: 扭矩测量HBM达 1 kNm
基于应变的 T22 扭矩传感器采用非接触式传输技术,量程从 0-0.5 Nm 到 0-1 kNm。结构紧凑,适合旋转和非旋转部件进行动态和静态扭矩测量。其带有两个模拟输出(电流和电压), T22 可非常简单地连接到可编程逻辑控制器(PLC),因此非常适合用于生产和过程监控。
- HBM 精度等级: 0.5
- 额定扭矩: 0.5 Nm 到 1 kNm
- 额定转速 (rpm): HBM达 20,000
经济的替代方案,新增小额定量程 (0.5 Nm, 1 Nm, 2 Nm)
T22 扭矩传感器新增了三个量程:0.5 Nm, 1 Nm, 和 2 Nm。其适合较小扭矩测量,例如医疗工程,轴承测试台及材料,手感值测试等。
- 内置电子部件,无需额外放大器
- 结构紧凑,安装简单,即使在密闭空间内
- 免维护
经济 的解决方案,安装成本低,集成容易
- 直接连接到带+/- 5 V 和 10 +/- 8 mA 模拟输出的 PLC
- 联轴器直径可单独选择
- 非摩擦配合
The facts in brief: T22 acquires torque using strain gages and contact-less energy and signal transmission. The accuracy class is 0.5 (in compliance with the demanding HBM definition).
T22 is available with nominal (rated) torques from 5 N∙m to 1 kN∙m. These characteristics make T22 the perfect choice mainly for dynamic and static 扭矩测量 – on both stationary and rotating parts.
Typical fields of application include laboratory, test and measurement, and education. Production and process control is another field of application of T22 – the transducer enables direct connection to a PLC. 11.5 V up to 30 V DC supply and two ± 5 V and 10 ±8 mA analog outputs provide the basis for connection to a PLC.
The VK20A junction boxes available as accessories make connection easier, increase operating safety and integrate the measurement shaft into the complete HBM measurement chain. Suitable bellows couplings are also available as accessories.
T22 结构紧凑,集成方便。额定量程HBM达 1 kNm。
- Nominal (rated) torques 5 N·m, 10 N·m, 20 N·m, 50 N·m, 100 N·m, 200 N·m, 500 N·m and 1 kN·m
- Nominal (rated) rotational speeds of 9,000 rpm to 16,000 rpm
- Accuracy class: 0.5
- Contactless transmission of measurement signals
- Measurement on rotating or stationary parts
- Cylindrical shaft ends for non−play friction joints
- ±5 V and 10±8 mA torque output signal