T40B 扭矩传感器:数字扭矩测量,额定扭矩 50 Nm 至 10 kNm
T40B 以高精度、再现性和鲁棒性而著称,非常适合用于静态和动态扭矩测量。包括滞后和高温稳定性,扭矩传感器具有 0.03% 的线性精度。可内置磁学转速测量系统,在传动系统中进行功率测量。非接触设计和数字信号传输确保了更高的安全性,并具有免维护特性。EtherCAT 的 TIM-EC接口模块和 PROFINET 的 TIM-PN 可将扭矩和转速信号与HBM进的测试台系统进行集成,确保获得HBM的性能和高灵活性。
- HBM 精度等级: 0.05
- 额定扭矩: 50 Nm 到 10 kNm
- 线性度(包括滞后)仅为0.03%
- 高温稳定性
- 比例计量法确保更高的测量精度和稳定性
- 带错误检测的数字传输确保了无干扰数据传输
- 强度高,坚固耐用
- 坚固的磁学转速测量系统
- 模拟和数字接口,便于与不同测试台系统集成
- 可选带有参考脉冲的鲁棒磁学转速测量系统,用于获取转子位置
Rugged in the test bench
Optical measurement systems very quickly reach their limits in adverse industrial environments. The T40B digital torque transducer is reliable and insensitive to dust and oil mist and is therefore predestined for applications in the automotive industry, for example in engine test stands.
Reliable measurement of rotational speed
T40B features an output pulse count of 1024 pulses/revolution from 200 Nm to 10 kNm, covering all measuring ranges. The magnetic rotational speed measuring system with high output pulse count allows precise measurement of rotational speed in particular with low rotational speeds. Reliable measured values are the result.
Magnetic rotational speed measuring system - quickly installed
The rotational speed measuring system can be used, without restrictions, at the torque transducer's maximum rated rotational speed, depending on the measuring range up to 20,000 rpm. The magnetized plastic ring's metal carrier is mounted onto the torque transducer's second free flange and is thus fully integrated. This saves space and significantly facilitates installation.
Flexible through multiple interfaces
T40B offers maximum flexibility. The stator features frequency and voltage standard interfaces. In addition, the digital TMC (扭矩测量 Communication) interface has been integrated. This enables the transducer to be used not only in standalone mode; T40B can also be integrated in various fieldbus-based test bench concepts using the TIM40 interface module or the new TIM-EC EtherCAT interface module.
成本效益高,坚固。多功能 T40B 扭矩传感器非常适合研发试验台应用,以及在生产中的终端测试 (EoL) 。
Connection of T40B torque flange - Mounting on support rail per DIN EN 50022
- Scaling, filtering and zeroing of the torque signal
- Wide measurement frequency range up to 10 kHz (−3 dB)
- ±10 V and (12±8) mA output signals
- Ethernet interface with 38125 measured values per second
- Various Anybus®-modules available as accessories