Nominal rotation speed
The nominal rotation speed is the upper limit of the speed range starting from zero. It applies to both clockwise and counterclockwise rotation.
Nominal torque
The nominal torque Mnom is the torque defining the upper limit of the range in which specified tolerances of the transducer properties are not exceeded.
Maximum service torque
The maximum service torque is the upper limit of the range in which there is an unambiguous relation between output signal and torque. If within this range torque is increased above the nominal torque the limit values declared in the specifications may be exceeded.
If the transducer has been used between nominal torque and maximum service torque, the limit values given in the specifications will be kept by the transducer when it is used again for torque values up to nominal torque. A slight shift of the zero signal may occur, but this is not considered to be a violation of
the specifications.
The torque transducer can be used for measurements up to the maximum service torque, though the measurement properties may prove less favorable.
The limitation on maximum service torque may be given by electronic properties (such as the modulation range of the internal amplifier electronics) or by mechanical properties (such as an overload stop). In the case of transducers that have neither internal electronics nor mechanical overload protection, the maximum service torque and the limit torque are frequently identical.
Limit torque
The limit torque is the torque up to which the transducer’s measuring capability will not suffer permanent damage.
If the transducer has been used between nominal torque and limit torque, the limit valuesgiven in the specifications will be kept by the transducer when it is used again for torque values up to nominal torque. A slight shift of the zero signal may occur, but this is not considered to be a violation of the specifications.
In the event of a continuous vibrating load, the limits discussed below in the section onpermissible oscillation bandwidth have priority over the limit torque.
Breaking torque
The breaking torque is the torque which when exceeded may lead to mechanical destructionof the transducer.
In the event of torque values between limit torque and breaking torque no mechanical destruction will occur, but the transducer may be damaged to such an extent that it will be permanently unusable.