Z30A 参考力传感器用于对较小压向和拉向力进行高精度测量。Z30A 通常用于校准设备,作为标准参考力传感器。
Z30A 参考力传感器满足ISO 376 标准中HBM精度等级 (00级) 所有要求。 电连接需要通过外壳或基座的插头进行,以防止由测量电缆引起的力分流。所有大于 1 kN 的传感器都带有过载保护装置,以防止误操作。
- 精度等级 (ISO 376): 00
- HBM 精度等级: 0.02
- 量程: 从 50 N 到 10 kN
- 超出 ISO 376 标准中拉压向力的HBM精度标准
- 弯矩和侧向力优异的补偿能力
- 极低的温度误差
- 可用作力标准,确保力传感器的可追溯性
- HBM ISO 17025 认证实验室校准
- HBM EMC 实验室电磁兼容性认证
- 集成TEDS
- ISO 376 标准安装附件,用于拉压向力测量; 如膝眼
- 多种连接电缆可供选择
- 可选:两个Z30A参考传感器和附件的专业装运箱,以获得HBM保护
- 1000 N 以上量程带有过载保护
更,更灵活: Z30A 高精度力传感器的量程范围为 0...50N 到 0...10kN. TEDS, 内置于 Z30A 中的电子数据表,能够被放大器直接读取. 按照 ISO 376 标准精度等级为 00 ,并有 DKD 标定证书. Z30A 系列是 Z4A 高精度力传感器在低量程范围下的补充.整个高精度传感器的量程涵盖了 0 - 50 N 到 0 - 500 kN 范围.
A typical HBM highend device. TEDS, the Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, is integrated in the Z30A, which allows the transducer data to be read directly into the amplifier. Class 00 according to ISO 376 is with DKD calibration certificate guaranteed. The Z30A series supplements our Z4 A precision force transducers in the lower measuring ranges. You now have available a whole series of high-precision transducers from 0 - 50 N to 0 - 500 kN.
Top quality: The Z30A offers top solutions for precision measurements in the quality lab, government and industrial calibration labs and for the testing of material testing machines.
The variable plug mounting for reducing the effects of force shunts, is unique. For the optimum cable outlet, choose between a radially or axially mounted plug. During tensile force measurements, this minimizes the effect of bending moment resulting from the weight of the cable.
DKD calibration complying with ISO 376 in-house at HBM, ensures that the technical data for the transducer goes beyond the specifications required for class 00. You can obtain all therequisite mounting accessories for tensile and compressive force measurements, such as knuckle eyes, load buttons and thrust pieces, from HBM. For calibration purposes, we recommend combining the Z30A transdcuer with HBM's ML38B high-precision amplifier.
TEDS, the integrated electronic datasheet in the Z30A transducer, spares you the manual setup of measurement parameters in the amplifier. Achieve a greater measurement certainty with TEDS. It also helps you to eliminate mistakes that can occur with manual setup.
Max. operating force [%] |
120-150 |
Nominal temp. range [°C] |
+10 ... +40 |
Protection system |
IP50 |
Material |
aluminum and stainless steel |
Direction of force |
tensile / compressive |
Nominal force |
50N, 100N, 200N, 500N, 1kN, 2kN, 5kN, 10kN |
Nominal sensitivity [mV/V] |
2 |
- Force transducers of maximum accuracy as calibration standard
- Classification according to class 00 with DKD calibration certificate per ISO 376
- Force standard and calibration certificate from HBM
- High reproducibility
- TEDS (Transducer Electronic Data Sheet)