CFTplus: 极大量程,已校准的压电力传感器
在工厂,CFTplus 系列压电力传感器已进行了三个量程段 (1 %, 10% 和 100 %)的校准,因此安装后可立即使用,无需进行现场校准。
CFTplus 系列力传感器的位移非常小,具有非常高的基本频率。因此,其特别适用于高动态测量,如压装等。
CFTplus 系列力传感器非常结实,采用防锈蚀材料,并通过了 EMC 测试。
- HBM 精度等级: 0.5
- 量程: 25, 50, 70 和120 kN
- 三个校准点: 满量程的 1 %, 10 %, 和 100 %
- 低漂移,更高质量的测量结果
- 极高刚度和基本频率,因此非常适合高动态应用
- CFTplus 由不锈钢材料制成
- IP65 保护等级
- 抗电磁干扰
- 连接尺寸和插头完全遵循市场通用标准
- 包装内包括所有安装附件,如螺纹衬套和定心环
- 两端采用法兰连接,安装简单方便
- 已经过预应力加载并校准 (可立即使用)
- 多个不同量程 (25 kN, 50 kN, 70 kN, 和 120 kN)
- 与 CMD 和 CMA 电荷放大器可组成完整测量链
The transducers are suitable for monitoring highly dynamic press-fit and assembly processes with fast force variations. As part of the PACEline force measurement chain, CFT transducers can be used where uncalibrated force washers only could be used so far.
Minimal dimensions, absolute reliability: 97% less space required
The size of PACEline CFT piezoelectric force transducers is only 3% of the size of transducers using other sensor technologies. The very compact format however does not negatively affect reliability. CFT transducers measure over several intervals (decades) at consistent accuracy.
More benefits provided by PACEline CFT force transducers include high stiffness and rugged design required in particular for use in adverse industry environments. Thanks to the flange connection on both sides and a central bore, PACEline CFT force transducers can moreover be easily and quickly integrated into existing systems.
PACEline CFT force transducers are also available as CMC measurement chain including cable and charge amplifier.
Learn more about the PACEline CMA analog amplifier
The PACEline CFW force washer: Innovative design for new applications in industrial force measurement ...
- Force transducer with very compact design for compressive forces
- Nominal (rated) forces: 5, 20, 50, 70, 120 kN
- High stiffness, rugged design
- Suitable for press-fit and assembly applications with fast force variations
- Stainless steel housing
- Easy integration through flange connection on both sides and central bore
- Output signal depends on applied force only, not on nominal (rated) force: High nominal (rated) force and high capability to withstand overload at identical output signal