参考扭矩传感器TB2:精度等级高达0.03的校准 参考扭矩传感器
TB2 扭矩传感器非常,因此非常适合作为实验室扭矩校准的参考或传递标准。TB2 防护等级高达 IP67,也非常适合工业用途。TB2 参考扭矩传感器提供了非常好的准确性和再现性,即使用于工业试验台。一体式测量体,因此负载均匀平衡,测量精度高。
根据 HBM 的严格定义,TB2 达到 0.03 的HBM精度等级,根据 DIN51309 达到 0.05 的HBM精度等级。
与DMP41、ML38B 和 MX238B 等高精度数字精密测量放大器结合使用,可在整个测量链上实现HBM的测量精度。TB2 在校准任务中具有特别广泛的应用,8个额定扭矩介于100 Nm 到 10 kNm之间。
- 精度等级:高达0.03
- 防护等级(根据EN 60 529):达到IP67
- 标称(额定)测量范围:100-10 kNm
- 测量体平衡设计,精度无可挑剔
- 与高精度测量放大器(如DMP41、ML38B和MX238B)结合使用,可实现整个测量链的HBM精度
- 优异的再现性和测量的重复性
- 根据DIN51309,结合 DAKKS 校准证书,HBM精度为0.05

- 在工业条件下,是在线扭矩校准的HBM选择
- 提供八种额定扭矩
- 0.02%/10k 零点稳定性

The TB2 reference transducer attains very high accuracy. In conjunction with a DKD calibration certificate it achieves best class 0.05 per DIN 51309 or EA 10-14. The standard for this class requires a range of 40% to of the nominal (rated) torque for the values of the measuring range. TB2 goes even beyond the standard requirements and achieves 10 to of the nominal (rated) torque.
As well as its extreme accuracy, it is also particularly noted for its extremely low sensitivity to parasitic influences, such as bending moments and transverse forces. Thanks to its enclosed measuring body geometry, it is also extremely resistant to environmental influences, such as fluctuations in temperature. The patented, compact measuring body geometry is the same as in the T10FS torque flange for rotating Torque Measurement.
Although originally developed for use under industrial conditions, its top-class precision also makes it suitable for use at top level as a transfer transducer for torque calibration under laboratory conditions.
As well as being used for calibration tasks, the TB2 is also eminently suitable for taking other, non-rotating Torque Measurements. For use under extremely difficult environmental conditions, it is advisable to use the hermetically sealed version, offering IP67 degree of protection.
参考扭矩传感器 TB2 是一种非常和经济的扭矩传感器校准解决方案。
Nominal (rated) torques of 100 N•m, 200N•m, 500 N•m, 1 kN•m, 2 kN•m, 3 kN•m, 5 kN•m and 10 kN•m - Accuracy class 0.03
- High permississible vibration bandwith
- Class 0.05 to DIN 51309 or EA-10/14 (in conjunction with the DKD calibration certificate
- Option: IP67 degree of protection per EN 60529