TB1A 参考扭矩传感器采用扁平设计,安装宽度(取决于测量范围)仅为69毫米,因此非常适合狭小安装空间下进行扭矩测量。通孔设计,驱动轴可直接穿过扭矩传感器。非常适合用于试验机或用作直接耦合驱动电机或变速器的反作用扭矩传感器。
扁平设计的TB1A 参考扭矩传感器在各个方向都具有极高的刚度,可作为参考扭矩传感器 TB2 的紧凑型替代品。
- HBM精度等级:高达0.05
- 防护等级(根据EN 60 529):IP54
- 额定扭矩:100-10 kNm
- 高精度仅为 0.05%,低线性和滞后误差
- 7种额定扭矩
- 中心孔允许轴轴向移动
- 扁平设计,极小的空间安装要求,宽度仅为69 mm
- 高旋转、弯曲和横向刚度
- 高动态测量特性和高固有频率
- 极小的设计,节省试验台空间
The design of the measuring body with axial shear arms gives the transducer an extremely low profile and gives it extremely high stiffness values to combat torque, as well as bending moments and other parasitic loadings.
Simple, space-saving solutions are possible, as in many cases, the transducer can bear the weight of a driving machine, for example, doing away with the need to buy bearings.
A further characteristic feature, crucial for many structural solutions, is the central bore, which allows a shaft to be run through the measuring disc.
参考扭矩传感器 TB1A 具有特别高的刚度,扁平设计,可安装在非常小的空间中。
Nominal (rated) torques of 100 N•m, 200 N•m, 500 N•m, 1 kN•m, 2 kN•m, 5 kN•m and 10 kN•m - Accurancy class 0.05
- Less space required thanks to the slim design
- Highly resistant to transverse and longitudinal forces as well as bending moments
- High permissible vibration bandwith