T40FM 动态扭矩测量 从 15 kN·m 到 80 kN·m
T40FM 扭矩传感器可以测量高达 80 kN·m 动态扭矩 - 高精度高可靠 – 并具有极高性价比。结实可靠,可用于恶劣环境,因此其是大型发动机和传输系统生产和测试的理想选择。带有数字和模拟接口,更容易集成到测试系统中。 其和前任 T10FM 具有相同的几何尺寸,可以进行简单替换即可进行系统升级。
- HBM 精度等级: 0.1
- 额定扭矩: 15 kN·m 到 80 kN·m
- 额定转速: HBM达 8000 rpm
- 高测量精度和线性,0.05% 低蠕变
- 高侧向力稳定性
- 高扭转刚度,适合动态测量系统
- 测量带宽高达 6 kHz
- 采样率高达 38.125 kS/s
高测量精度 来源于优异的机械特性和信号质量
- 高稳定性, 即使用于温度不断变化的环境
- 磁阻转速测量系统,对油污和灰尘不敏感
- 更宽的量程范围,从 15 kNm 到 80 kNm
- 带有模拟和数字接口 (Profibus-DP, CAN, EtherCAT, Profinet),容易集成到多种不同测试台架
- 和 T10FM 有相同的尺寸,向下兼容
- 尺寸更短,装配简单
- 高测量精度和线性,0.05% 低蠕变
- 高侧向力稳定性
- 高扭转刚度,适合动态测量系统
- 测量带宽高达 6 kHz
- 采样率高达 38.125 kS/s

高测量精度 来源于优异的机械特性和信号质量
- 高稳定性, 即使用于温度不断变化的环境
- 磁阻转速测量系统,对油污和灰尘不敏感

- 更宽的量程范围,从 15 kNm 到 80 kNm
- 带有模拟和数字接口 (Profibus-DP, CAN, EtherCAT, Profinet),容易集成到多种不同测试台架
- 和 T10FM 有相同的尺寸,向下兼容
- 尺寸更短,装配简单

Frequency reserves for the test bench construction
The T40FM's extremely high torsional stiffness and the reduced mass moment of inertia result in a significantly better natural torsion frequency of the torque flange. This creates the condition for further expansion of resonance frequency up to higher values during dynamic measurements in test bench applications. This allows the reserves up to the resonance frequency to be increased for numerous operating conditions. The entire construction is protected, failures are prevented and so costs are saved.
High limit loads during torque peaks
The mechanically robust measuring body of the T40FM can withstand, depending on the nominal (rated) measuring range, a peak load of up to 660 %. Torque peaks can thus be absorbed. This saves test bench construction costs and increases safety and the overall availability of the plant.
Clever design
Strain gages are located within the T40FM torque flange's measuring body giving excellent protection against environmental influences such as dirt and moisture. Protection up to IP54 is provided; optimal conditions for applications in tough industrial environments.
Speed measurement with magnetoresistive sensors
Another plus for industrial applications: The T40FM can optionally be equipped with a speed measuring system. A magnetic speed measuring system is far superior to an optical system in rough industrial operations as dirt, such as dust or oil, does not have an influence on the signal. Due to the options of the magnetic principle, the output pulse count remains identical with 1024 pulses per revolution for all measurement ranges up to 80 kNm. The integrated speed transducer simplifies handling and creates room for other tasks.
Secure transmission of measured values through digital communication
The T40FM torque flange impresses with a secure, digital transmission of measured values. A special sigma-delta converter is used for the digitalization and transmission of the measured values from the rotor to the stator. The transmission speed of 1.0 MBaud, with error detection, ensures insensitivity to noise without loss of data or accuracy, even in EMC-critical applications. Due to the special analog-digital conversion, combined with the high sampling rate of 38,125 measured values/s, problems with internal aliasing are securely excluded. The digital TMC interface in the torque flange stator enables communication with the TIM40 torque interface module. It supports various fieldbuses, such as CAN, Profibus-DP or EtherCat. This makes simple integration in fieldbus based test bench concepts possible.
Digital data exchange between automation system and field device
Upgrading made easy
As the T40FM rotor has the same dimensions as the T10FM rotor, upgrade compatibility is ensured. Simply exchanging the rotor and corresponding stator means that existing plants can also profit from the improved properties of the T40FM.
T40FM 扭矩传感器具有优异的性价比,提供高精度测量结果并容易集成